In the dark it clings to me
In the dark it stirs
there, just off center
in the darkness
a bristle of legs or wings
a scintilla of a movement
of air
I close my eyes and
listen for it
listen to the dark
listen to the darkness
Its enveloping touch
soft surrounds me
all is soft, the dark
seeping out
slowly seeping
It is with me in the dark
It stirs within me
creeping up my spine
lodging in my crevices
weeping weeping weeping
in the darkness
sweeping through the dark
there, just off center
in the darkness
a bristle of legs or wings
a scintilla of a movement
of air
I close my eyes and
listen for it
listen to the dark
listen to the darkness
Its enveloping touch
soft surrounds me
all is soft, the dark
seeping out
slowly seeping
It is with me in the dark
It stirs within me
creeping up my spine
lodging in my crevices
weeping weeping weeping
in the darkness
sweeping through the dark
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